


The challenge this week is to use at least one word in your piece of art. Now, for me, that’s not a hard challenge, LOL. I love using words, and it would be unusual for me to create a piece without some words somewhere! Have fun!  The piece above, that I did for this challenge, is a child’s board book.  There are two views – the first is the front cover and the second is the inner spead.

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30 Comments on “Words”

  1. mixedmediamonday Says:

    You can see how I created my board book on my blog here: http://dianesartyantics.blogspot.com/

  2. Ilonka Says:

    Wonderful theme.
    Here’s my entry:

    MMM – “Words”

    Thanks for looking!

  3. Willy Says:

    Here is my entry ‘Dream’, one of the most important words in my life:


  4. Sandy Says:

    Good Morning Lady´s, here is mine for this Week. Thanks for looking.


  5. Hiekkaoliivi Says:

    I also love using words and I use them a lot!

    This is my choice for the challenge: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hiekkaoliivi/2097542829/

  6. Tatsi Says:

    I’d love to join this, here is my entry, “Secret love”

  7. BARONE Says:

    Here is mine: Since I missed you wonderful souls last week, I did wings and words. Working on this piece, I came to love a goofy part of myself. Thanks!


    jodi barone

  8. Lisa Says:

    Every challenge is a good one! Thanks for hosting. Here’s mine:


  9. Audrey Meijs Says:

    Love your challenges! Here’s my mini quilt: JOY!

  10. Janet Says:

    Here is my entry for this week. I am really enjoying these challenges and seeing what everyone else is doing


  11. Annchen Says:

    Hei Ladys, my entry in this week is a christmascard … I hope you enjoy this simple card.


  12. stempelmaus Says:

    Here comes my entry for this week

    zwei neue Werke

  13. […] zwei neue Werke aus meiner Sammlung der Motive die ich von Hilde bekommen und im Oktober koloriert hab sind heute endlich zwei Karten entstanden. Beide passen auch zum Challenge von Mixed Media Monday das für diese Woche das Thema “Words” hat. […]

  14. Diane – your piece is just beautiful! Here is my entry for the week

  15. aztecmichelle Says:

    I realise I’ve only just made the deadline. Here is my contribution:
    Michelle Brown
    Melbourne, Australia

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