Purple and Gold

This week our special guest host is Gerda, from The Netherlands. Gerda chose “purple and gold” for her theme, and created this goregous piece for us. Thanks for the challenge, Gerda! So everyone, off you go and make gorgeous creations using purple and gold (or yellow). Have fun!
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39 Comments on “Purple and Gold”

  1. gillian Says:

    Loved this theme 🙂 here is mine!



  2. Great challenge Gerda! Wonderful purple lady ~ gorgeous gold on the ribbon, are those tiny brads?

    Here is my contribution,


  3. Cheryl~ Says:

    Those were my high school’s colors 🙂
    Here is mine: http://cheryl-comfort.blogspot.com/2008/03/mixed-media-monday.html

  4. mixedmediamonday Says:

    And here’s mine! Thanks for the challenge, Gerda! Diane

  5. MardeMoomika Says:

    Wonderful theme because purple is one of my favourite colours

  6. rubita Says:

    Here is my purple and gold challenge


  7. danisart Says:

    here my entry

    Purple – Gold

    thanks for looking

  8. Hello! I absolutely love purple and gold – definite springtime colors=) Here’s my submission:


    Hope everybody has an awesome week! xo

  9. Loved this challenge as purple my favourite colour.
    Here is mine

    thanks for looking
    Love Cynthia x

  10. Kathy Says:

    This one was too much fun for me. I love my little sweetheart!

  11. This one doing purple and gold was really different for me. Here is my offering http://redhead7.blogspot.com/2008/03/monday.html

  12. […] Da! Here it is my purple and gold pincushion for Mixed Media Monday. It is 2.5 x 4 inches, and is decorated with ribbons, feathers, pipe cleaner, buttons, and flowers. […]

  13. Donna Says:

    Oh boy I struggled with this colour scheme! Not very happy with it but here’s mine…..

    Purple and gold…..

  14. katrin Says:

    gerda – thanks for this great challenge!!!

    i had a little thinking of this …
    but here is my entry:



  15. katrin Says:

    Gerda your card is simply gorgeous!!! and your blog too!!!

  16. Alisha Fredrickson Says:


    I know I am kinda late. This was a fun challenge!

  17. Nancy P Says:

    These were my high school colors – great theme!!

    Here’s mine


    Thanks for looking!!

  18. Janny Says:

    Here is my entry, thanks for looking.


  19. Glitterangel Says:

    Great theme, truly out of my comfort zone! Here’s mine: GlitterAngel blog

  20. Rosie Says:

    I’m still in shock as I made an ATC… but I do love these colours!! 😀

    Purple and gold…

  21. Cora Says:

    Here is mine. It took awhile for the paint to dry.

  22. aztecmichelle Says:

    What a great theme! I had a lot of fun making something that’s a little different for me!

    MMM Purple & Gold

    Michelle Brown
    Melbourne Australia

  23. Completely out of my usual colour scheme–what better way to challenge myself? Here is my entry (which looks somewhat reddish online but it is actually purple in the original!): http://www.leafdays.com/collage/belated-entry-for-mixed-media-monday/

  24. carla Says:

    I’ve made these 2 Moo cards for this challenge

  25. Nan Says:

    I had a crazy week at work and finally got my daily art posted and scanned today. I made to arches for this challenge. Had a lot of fun doing them~thanks for the inspiration!


  26. Nan Says:

    Argh!! Sorry for the wrong info in my previous comment…but you can still find my Purple and Gold entry at that link http://pandoras-artbox.blogspot.com/2008/03/mondays-daily-artchallenges.html

    Doh!! >_<

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